Spontaneous Perinephric Urinoma in a Patient with Neurogenic Bladder. |
Yeun Goo Chung, Yun Beom Kim, Jong Tak Park, Sung Hoon Park, Young Soo Kim, Jong Bo Choi |
Department of Urology, Ajou University School of Medicine, Suwon, Korea. urochoi@ajou.ac.kr |
Spontaneous rupture of the renal pelvis or ureteropelvic juction area with extravasation of urine into the perinephric space is an uncommon pathologic condition (1).
We report a case of 72-year-old woman who suffered 2 days of left loin pain. The patient has got residual urine sensation and weak urine stream since she has gone through a radical hysterectomy 17 years before. Because of these symptoms of voiding difficulty, the patient had abdominal straining during her urination. A CT scan exhibited renal pelvis rupture with perirenal extravasation of urine due to severe hydronephrosis, that was exacerbated by hidden neurogenic bladder disease. Moreover, the patient has detrusor underactivity and high intravesical pressure at voiding trial in the urodynamic study. One month after the percutaneous nephrostomy insertion into the left renal pelvis, the patient was successfully treated. The size of renal pelvis decreased. Moreover, urinoma disappeared in follow up CT scan image. |
Renal pelvis; Rupture; Neurogenic bladder; Hydronephrosis |